If you value this resource please support Burton Memorial Hall, there is a lot of work to be done on the hall to help it serve the community for another 50+ years. You can support the Hall by attending a fund-raising event there, by holding your own event in aid of the Hall, or by using one of the new ways of helping raise funds.
JustTextGiving by Vodafone is an easy way to make a donation of up to £10 to the Hall. Every penny you give goes to the Hall and you can do it from your phone. How easy is that? Simply text the code BMHC12 followed by the amount you wish to donate (£1, £2, £3, £4, £5, or £10) to 70070 - it won't even cost you to send the text!
Earn money for the Hall by shopping or searching with EasyFundRaising.org. Every time you search you earn - 0.5p per search - it doesn't sound a lot but, if like us, you search many times for things each week it will soon add up!
You can also shop and earn funds for the Hall...click the blue box below to find out more.
Every penny the Hall needs for maintenance and repairs and upgrades has to be raised somehow, and it needs the support of everyone who uses it and of the wider community to ensure it's there for future generations to use too. Please help!
Burton Memorial Hall is a registered charity, no. 505018.